Why did you participate in Occupy?
After hearing about Occupy at St Paul’s on the news, I went there. I arrived during “general assembly”, at which the camp made collective, consensual decisions.
I was intrigued and disillusioned with the financial system, so I volunteered to help.
Did Occupy change the ways you think, feel and interact with the world? If yes, how so? What do you feel that you learned (or unlearned) that was unique to Occupy?
It broadened my horizons, and helped me develop my opinions.
I met people from all walks of life, made some friends, and spent many an hour considering and discussing all sorts of political, philosophical and practical issues.
What impact do you think Occupy has had on the economic and political situation?
It drew attention to social and financial injustice.
It served as a focal point for the exchange of ideas and a melting pot for like-minded people to find each other and work together towards shared goals.
Given the current political and economic situation, what is your view on what people can do to bring long lasting systemic change?
Earn as much money as possible, and donate to political and charitable causes that have a proven track record of bringing about effective, positive change. Or volunteer or work for organisations that promote these causes.
Keep your mind open and your eyes wide. Do your utmost; at least, sincerely try.
Before Occupy, were you involved in activities related to the reasons why you participated in Occupy? (Activist groups, campaign groups, media platforms, volunteering, research, etc)
Are you still involved in activities related to the reasons why you participated in Occupy? (Activist groups, campaign groups, media platforms, volunteering, research, etc)
Are you still actively working or engaged with people that you met through Occupy?