How would you define Occupy ?
A protest wave
What were you doing before Occupy ?
Studying economics
Why did you participate in Occupy?
Out of opportunism – it presented a challenge, commanded sympathy and attention, and so opened political space. In the first instance, the stand-off with the City of London Corporation seemed exploitable politically, once the prior criticisms of that body were brought up. I felt we should make hay while the sun shone.
What impact did Occupy have on your personal life?
Not much. I made a few friends, and contacts. I went to a party or two.
Did Occupy change the ways you think, feel and interact with the world? If yes, how so? What do you feel that you learned (or unlearned) that was unique to Occupy?
It took the shine off ‘consensus’ as a core ideology. In the main, it was a catalyst for me to learn, and apply strategically, more analyses of economics and finance.
What impact do you think Occupy has had on the economic and political situation?
Not a very tangible one, but almost certainly a real one. It helped alter the moral climate for a bit.
Given the current political and economic situation, what is your view on what people can do to bring long lasting systemic change?
Get over the aversion to demands. Don’t put all your eggs in one political basket (like that of Corbyn). Have fewer precepts: be tactical and flexible. Look for opportunities for contact and alliance-making with people outside of our own youthful, urban, cosmopolitan milieu of ‘networked individuals’.
To be honest, I’d have said most of this before Occupy.
Before Occupy, were you involved in activities related to the reasons why you participated in Occupy? (Activist groups, campaign groups, media platforms, volunteering, research, etc)
Which ones?
Not immediately before; but, in the past: Reclaim the Streets, Earth First!, People’s Global Action, Bretton Woods Project.
Are you still involved in activities related to the reasons why you participated in Occupy? (Activist groups, campaign groups, media platforms, volunteering, research, etc)
Which ones?
Only intermittently. I may go to a protest tomorrow (Architects for Social Housing), but I’m not currently involved in much. But I would be again if I saw opportunity to be particularly useful.
Are you still actively working or engaged with people that you met through Occupy?